Tuesday 28 January 2014

The 5 Elements (Panchbhuutas) of Vastu Shastra

Sky: Aakaash 
       It is the unending region remote from the earth, in which not only our solar system, but the entire galaxy exists, its effective forces are light, heat, gravitational force and waves, magnetic field and others. Its main characteristic is sound

Sky : the sky consists of not just our solar system, but also the various galaxies that form a part of it. It provides a shelter to all species and forms the five basic element of nature.

Air : vaayu 

                   Atmosphere of the earth which is about 400 kms, in depth and consists of 21% oxygen, nitrogen 78%, carbon dioxide, helium, other kinds of gases, dust particles, humidity and vapor in certain proportion. Life of human beings, plants and animals and even fire depends in this. Its main characteristics are sound and touch.

Air : air, being the source of oxygen, acts as the life saver for human beings, their comfort level is dependant upon different things like airflow, air temperature, its pressure, humidity level, etc. therefore, air is one of the most powerful sources of our survival.

Fire : agni

         Represents light and heat of fire (burning), lightning, volcanic or plutonic heat, the heat of fever or inflammation, energy, days and nights, seasons and other aspects of solar system, and also enthusiasm, ardor, passion, spirited vigor. Its main characteristics are sound, touch and form.

Water : jal

        This is represented by rain, river, sea and is in the form of liquid, ice and gas steam, cloud. It is a combination of hydrogen and oxygen in the ratio of two to one, perfectly neutral in reaction. In every plant and life on earth, water exists in certain proportion and its main characteristics are sound, touch, form and taste.

Water : water is essential for the existence of all life forms. In the past, human civilization flourished around rivers and major waterways. Water has been used by the humans in various ways, like agriculture, drinking, as a dissolving agent, and so on.

Earth : bhumi 

       Earth, the third planet in order form the sun, is a big magnet with north and south poles as centers of attractions. Its magnetic field and gravitational force have telling effects on everything on earth whether living or non-living. It is tilted by about 230 at the meridian of its either side for six months called uttaraayana and dakshinaayana and rotates on its own axis from west to east resulting in day and night. Its one orbit around sun takes 365 days (1 year). 

Three forth of earth’s surface is water and one fourth is land. Its main characteristics are sound, touch, form, taste, and quality.
   Earth: in India, earth is given the status of mother. It is the sources of existence of land form, landscape, flora and fauna. The gravitational force and magnetic effects of earth have an effect on living beings.


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