Monday 27 January 2014



 The kitchen door should open in north, north east or east direction in 
clockwise manner.

  • You should avoid having the kitchen at the north east corner of the house as this may lead to unrest, quarrels, tension or unnecessary expenditure. It is also recommended to avoid kitchen at southwest side as this can also cause difficulties and worries.
  • Cook should face the east or north this bring good health for the family members and violating this with face towards south while cooking could bring financial losses to the family
  • All items pertaining to fire or heat should be installed in the south-east corner. The main-switch, generators, microwaves, juicers and mixers should be located in the south-east corner of the house.
  • The gas stove should be in southeast corner (the place of lord agni), a few inches away from the wall. It should not be in front of the main door of the kitchen.
  • The cooking stove should not be visible from outside should always be shielded from outsiders.
  • The refrigerator should be in the northwest, southeast, south or west.
  • The kitchen sink should be placed in north east.
  • The water filter and other drinking water storage should be done in the north east direction of the kitchen.
  • Any toilet or bathroom should not share a common wall with your kitchen.
  • Gas cylinder should be kept in south-east, empty cylinder should be kept in south-west.
  • If possible, the cooking gas and the washing sink should not be kept very close to each other. The reason is that fire and water are not compatible being close to each other.
  • Ceramic tiles, mosaic, marble are good choices for kitchen flooring. Ceramic tile flooring is recommended to accommodate Indian conditions as it is stain-free, dust-free and scratch resistant.
  • The color of floor and walls should be yellow, orange, rose, chocolate or red. It should not be black as far as possible.
  • Exhaust fan should be installed on the eastern wall in the south-east corner.
  • In a house, kitchen is the place where the meals are cooked. There can be no other place 
  • Make sure that the cooking platform does not touch eastern or northern wall.
  • The best direction for cooking is facing east, as this direction is considered to be auspicious.
  • Keep in mind that the stove in your kitchen should never be visible from the outside. It can lead to digestion problems for the family members.
  • Remember that taps and sinks should not be very close to the cooking range. Fire and water repel against each other.
  • It’s best to have the kitchen sink in the northeast direction. If there is a dishwasher in the kitchen, place it in the northwest side of the kitchen. The other water elements like drinking water should be placed in the northeast.
  • Storage is also a very important aspect of the kitchen. If you have cabinets in the northeast side, use it for storing light things only.
  • Have elaborate storage units, built in to give a clean and tidy look to the kitchen.
  • If your kitchen has overhead storage cupboards, avoid having them over the cooking range.
  • While constructing the kitchen, make adequate provision for cross ventilation.
  • The big windows of the kitchen, should be in the east direction, while the smaller ones should be towards the south.
  • The suitable colors for the kitchen, other than green, are soft pink and orange.
  • There should be no toilets adjoining, above or below the kitchen.
  • Food should never be served in the center of the kitchen.
  • Clocks in the kitchen should always be placed on the south or the southwest walls.


1 comment:

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