Tuesday 28 January 2014


1. Doors of each room should be facing east.

2. Bedroom should be in south and west.

3. Placement of mirrors on south and west wall are inauspicious.

4. While sleeping head should be in south or west but never in north.

5. Pooja room should be in north east. All idols and photographs should be         facing east or west.

6. Toilet seat should be in north-south only. It should not be in east-west.

7. Out houses should not touch the compound wall of north and east side.

8. Stairs should always be in clock-wise direction.

9. Anything underground should be in north or east.

10. Anything above ground should be in south or west.

11. Porch should not touch the north or east compound wall.

12. Big trees should not be grown in north or east. They should be in south           or west side of the house.

13. Face east or north while reading or transacting any business deal.

14. Face east while cooking, west is allowed if there is no alternative, but           never face south while cooking.

15. Ventilation should be looked after and good cross ventilation should be            present.

16. Never put the poster of crying girl, war scene sexy scenes, angry man, owl, eagle etc: they are inauspicious.

17. Doors should open inside the room and not outside.

18. In bed rooms, always use bed of four legs only. Never use box type bed         because it stops the air circulation under the bed which is bed for                   health.

19. Never eat or drink in standing position.

20. No room should be built under the stairs.

21. The cupboard in the wall should be in the southern or western part                 direction of the house.

22. In these kitchen, grinder, fridge, shelf and other heavy items should be           towards south and west wall.

23. There should be no water body in front of any entrance door of the                  house.


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