Monday 27 January 2014


  • The bathroom should ideally be located in the east. Alternatively, it can be locate in the north-west. But the bathroom should never be located in the north east.
  • Toilets should always face the south and not the east or west. The toilet should be on the west or the northwest side of the room with 1 or 2 feet above the ground.
  • Wash basin/ sinks etc. should be mounted on the north, east or northeast wall of the bathroom. Geyser should be installed in the south-east corner.
  • There must be a provision for proper lighting and cross ventilation.
  • The geyser should be placed in the south east corner.
  • Drainage system should be in the northeast direction. The taps and showers should be fixed on the northern side.
  • The north side is also suitable for putting up the mirror.
  • The door should not be in the southwest direction of the bathroom.
  • For keeping the washing machine, the suitable directions are southeast and north west.
  • Bathtub can be placed on the west, east or northeast with the head facing the south side.
  • An overhead tank then it should always be on the northwest side of the house 
  • The bathroom colors should be light to give a fresh look. White light blue and pale green are ideal available. Avoid dark colors like black or dark red. Keep the bathroom shiny and clean. If you are going for tiles for the bathroom, then keep them in neutral shades. According to Vastu dark colors create a disturbing element. For a soothing and relaxing experience light colors are recommended.
  • The main bedroom should be located in the south/ south west (nairuthi).
  • The bedroom should not be located in north east, this is not good for owner’s health or finances.
  • If the bedroom is located in the north, there would be unrest in the family.
  • The bed should be placed in such a way that while sleeping, the head is towards the south alternatively, head can face towards the west,
  • Minimize clutter in your room as clutter represents the unfinished tasks of your life,
  • If you want to have a bookshelf in your bedroom, then west or southwest corner is apt for this purpose.
  • The door you enter to your bedroom is considered a symbol of the possibilities your life has to offer you and should open at least ninety degrees to fully allow positive opportunities to flow to you. A door that cannot open fully will limit this support that makes your life more interesting.
  • Beds should be placed in the south-west corner of the room.
  • Avoid hanging pictures that depict violence or sorrow.
  • If you have an attached bathroom, make sure it does not directly face your bed and the door is closed at all times.
  • It is not advisable to have an aquarium or real plants in the bedroom.

  1. As the location of the bathroom is important so is the positive of the bathroom accessories. For bathroom construction, the most appropriate location lies in the eastern portion of the house.
  2. Drainage system should be in the northeast direction. Therefore, it is advised that the taps and showers should be fixed on the northern side. The north side is also suitable for putting up the mirror.
  3. The toilet should be on the west or the northwest side of the room and be 1-2 feet above the ground.
  4. There must be a provision for proper lighting and cross ventilation inside the bathroom.
  5. As a part of Vastu remedies for bathroom it is suggested that the geyser should be placed in the southeast corner.
  6. For keeping the washing machine, the suitable directions are southeast and northwest
  7. The bathtub can be placed in the west while the sink should be kept on the northeast, north or the east side of the room.
  8. As per Vastu for bathroom, the door should not be in the southwest direction.
  9. If there is an ove5rhead tank, it should always be on the northwest side of the house.
  10. The bathroom colors should always be light, as such colors help give a fresh look to the bathroom. White, light blue and pale green are the best choices for the same. Avoid dark colors like black are dark red colors.
  11. Always keep the bathroom shiny and clean, as proper hygiene allows flow of positive energy
  12. You can even use some plants to add décor element in the bathroom.
  13. If you are planning to install tiles in the bathroom, keep them in neutral shades.
  14. For the installation of a geyser, southeast direction will be the best.


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