Monday 27 January 2014


Vastu for study room is extremely important to strengthen the child’s concentration and stamina to sit for long without feeling tired. Some children being to study, but can’t continue for long due to weak concentration. Vastu, precisely helps solve such problem and assists in gaining control over your mind, in order to boost focus. A lack of focus is the usual complaint from children and the designing the study room according to Vastu recommendations is the key to this problem.

Vastu tips for study room 

Direction of study room

            The study room should be located in directions that are considered auspicious for studies, such as east, north and northeast according to Vastu, these direction improves the concentration of a student, while studying. Make sure that there is no mirror reflection in the study room. This may have effect of doubling their work load. Make sure that the student does not study under a beam; otherwise he/ she may feel unnecessary pressure.

Placement of study table

                The placement of study table is imperative for good concentration. You should place study table in a way that the child faces east or north while studing. The table should not stick to the wall. There should be open space in front of child as, it fosters the arrival of fresh ideas. The child should have a solid wall behind him, as it signifies support. The study table should be square or rectangular in shape and not too big or too small in size. A small table can be uncomfortable to work on, while, a big table can adversely affect the competence of a child.

Book shelves

          Bookshelves and cabinets should be located in the east, north, and north-east direction the cabinets should not be placed in the center of room. It is best to leave central portion of the study room empty. Avoid placing bookshelf above study table. It may create undue stress for child do not clutter the study table with lots of books.

Wall colors

        The walls of study room should be painting in light colors, like green, light green, blue, cream and white, rather than dark colors. Light colors are very auspicious according to Vastu and augment the retention power of students. Avoid using black color in study room.


       Lights have a very crucial affect on one’s ability to study. The study room should be properly lit. dim lights are not favorable for child’s education and focus, sunlight gives us positive energy for doing work and therefore, the windows of study room should be in east or north of the room. A table lamp is another sources of proper light, which helps in concentrating on the task. If the child is using table lamp, it should be placed in south-east of the table.


 If the study room is not meant to sleep in and will only be used for studying and meditation, a pyramidal shaped room can give fantastic results. Otherwise, go for the regular square or rectangular shapes.


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