Thursday 23 January 2014


The adage ‘health is wealth’ holds a lot of meaning in Vastu shastra also. Vastu has laid down some important guidelines to be followed by people, for keeping a good health and remain in the best of spirits. It is advisable to take advice form a Vastu expert if any of the family members is suffering from prolonged illness that has not even been diagnosed properly. It may be due to a vastu defect with the setting or the placement of things in the house.

Vastu tips for health

  • General health can be improved by sleeping with the head towards the south. Sleeping on the left is recommended for people with “ vaatha” and “ khapha” constitutions, while sleeping on the right in recommended for those with “ pittha” constitutions.

  • According to Vastu shastra, a staircase in the exact centre of the house would lead to health problems. So, take care to get the stairs built in a corner.
  • Heavy furniture should not be kept in the middle of the house, as it is the Brahmasthan and needs to be kept as empty as possible.

  • Ensure that there are no overhead beams running through the centers of the house or it would lead to a disturbed mind.

  • It is important to keep the central area or the Brahmasthan clear of any heavy concrete structures. The Brahmasthan should be kept open and free from heavy objects, pillars and beams. Install a Reiki charged crystal grid in the Brahmasthan to keep the whole house energized.

  • Lighting a candle in the fire zone (southeast direction) daily is important for good health.

  • Vastu links the health and illness with the placements of kitchen in the house. If the kitchen is not be of same height as the gate.

  •  Growing citrus plants on either sides of the located in the fire zone, the occupants will be vulnerable to health disorders.

  •  So, always plan the kitchen in the southeast direction.

  • The boundary wall of the house should gate promotes good health.
  • Keep the heavy weight generator, if any, in the northwest or southeast direction and the water tank in the north or northeast.

  • If someone in your house is keeping in well, keep a burning candle in his/her room, for a couple of weeks.

  • Place an image of lord Hanuman in the house that faces south direction, for ensuring good health.



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