Monday 27 January 2014


Modernization has brought with it the need to construct septic tanks. While in the yesteryears, the concept of having a septic tank was not even present thought about, leave about making one, in the present generation, it has become a necessity. Septic tank requires a pit to be dug. The right placement of the septic tank is crucial. A faulty construction not only hampers the ground water sources, but also bring in negative energies to the house. The foul smell, coupled with solar and magnetic radiations, would enter the house, thus destructing it.

Vastu tips for septic tank

  • The location of the septic tank should be such that it should not face south-east, north east or south west corner under any condition.
  • Dividing the north side into nine equal parts, the septic tank should be in the third part of the north-west direction.
  • The septic tank is divided into three parts ideally, the water should be in the eastern side and the excretion should be on the west.
  • In case you are facing scarcity of space, the septic tank can be placed in the northern corner of the west side. However, make sure that it is about 2 feet away from the compound wall.
  • Ac per Vastu shastra, the length of the septic tank should be in the east-west direction, while the breadth in the south- north direction.
  • Do not construct the septic tank higher than the plinth level of the building. The best bet would be to construct it at ground level.
  • In accordance with the vasstu shastra, the outlet of the septic tank should preferably be in the north or the west dire


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