Thursday 23 January 2014


Vastu helps a great deal in ensuring that commercial buildings, such as hotels, would have a booming business, with the arrival of more and more number of guests. Many things are taken into consideration, while suggesting the right vaasthu remedies for hotels. There generally includes the selection of site for the hotels, location of the kitchen, placements of different electronic equipments, location of reception counter, different rooms and many more.

Vastu tips for hotels

  • According to Vastu shastra, in order to cash in a lot of profit, the building of a hotels should be construction on a plot having rectangular, square, circular, quadrangular, octagonal or hexagonal shape.

  • The location of the plot should be such that roads are there on all its four sides or at least on the north and east.

  • The design of the building should be such that its north and east portions always remains open.

  • Ground floor would be apt for reception and entry area of the hotels.

  • There must be adequate provision for light, ventilation and a large open space for the kitchen.

  •  Therefore, ground floor should be utilized for the kitchen.

  • Make sure that the kitchen is location in the south-east portion of the building. For placing the grinders, ovens etc, choose corner that are in the southeast direction.

  • Be sure to includes space for conferences, in your hotel. First floor can be utilized for constructing a conference hall for your hotel.

  • Choose the eastern and northern portion of the building for constructing balcony.

  • If you wish to construct a storeroom as well, then opt for the southern, western or southwestern zone of the building.

  • For the installation of AC, southeast location would be apt.

  • For electric generator and transformer installation, southeast direction is fine.
  • Washbasin should never be placed in the center of the hall. It shall be fitted either in the north east or northeast directions.

  • Ensure that there is large, open ground in the premises of your hotel.


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